Friday, December 19, 2008

More Snow Pics!


I am so happy how this winter is going so far! I can't tell you the last time we had snow and ice before Thanksgiving and Christmas! I am hoping and praying for a white Christmas this year! Last year we let Anna play in the snow for the first time but she didn't really get into it until this year. She tasted snow for the first time and realized how cold it was. She fed me snow and loved making snowballs! But the only weird thing is this...she isn't all that crazy about wearing gloves. She hates them and would rather hold snow with her bare hands...but the scary thing about it is that she can hold the snow for ever without the cold bothering her! She doesn't seem to care that he hands are going numb. Enjoy some pics!

CT Surgery Christmas Party!

This year the CT (Cardiothoracic Surgery) Christmas Party was at The Signature Club. It was so nice and the attendance was great. There was a band that played and Anna loved it! So most of these pictures are of her dancing. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

More Christmas Party Pics

Merry Christmas!

So this year Todd and I decided to throw an amazing Ugly Sweater Christmas Party! It was so much fun! We almost had full attendance and everyone played along with dressing up! Kenny was probably my favorite! He put a lot of thought into his outfit and jody was another favorite of mine. They both looked great! Enjoy the pics!

Friday, December 5, 2008

I Love Pics!

Here are some more pics!

I Love The Holidays

Thanksgiving this year was great! We had dinner with my family at noon and then dinner with Todd's family at 5pm. I always love it when the family gets together. Its so good to see everybody! All the babies have changed in only a few months! I hate how fast they grow. I am so blessed with an amazing family and group of are a few pics so enjoy!