Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Last Of The Christmas 2008 Pics

Passing out gifts at Gamma and Pops house

Gamma reading Anna her new book

Anna's favorite toy! We had to make her open this last!

Opening presents on Christmas morning with Nana and Grandpa

Her new Cabbage Patch doll

More Christmas 2008 Pics

Anna in her new Hello Kitty tent!

Playing with her new kitchen.

Just waking up.

Jessica and Anna on Christmas Eve

Jessica and Isaac

More Christmas 2008 Pics

The Dinosaur!!!

Anna's new chair!

Opening his sperf gifts.

Opening stockings

Isaac opening his stocking.

More Christmas 2008 Pics

Anna and Holden on Christmas Eve

Isaac, Anna and Holden

Holden on Anna's big present.

Checking out Anna's big gift.

Anna and Daddy

Christmas 2008

Anna on Christmas Eve at Nana and Grandpa's house.

Anna's cousins Devin and Hannah.

Hannah and Anna being silly.

Beautiful Hannah

Anna feeding her new baby!

I know this is a little late on posting these pictures, but its been a little busy. So Christmas this year was different. Different in a good way. Anna was old enough to know somewhat of what was going on. She did not like Santa! Remind me to find that picture and post it! Its hilarious! Although I was sick during the week of Christmas, it was still so exciting to watch Anna open all her gifts. She was a little confused when she woke up to find her Nana and Grandpa there, and a living room full of toys! But she really got into it! I think the most fun this year was watching Holden open all his gifts on Christmas Eve. He really understood what was going on and who Santa was, so he was extremely excited. Santa brought him a BIG remote control dinosaur that he thought was amazing! His response when opening that present was, "HOLY MOLY!". That was the saying for this Christmas! Here are a few pictures! ENJOY!