Monday, April 20, 2009

At First Sight

A couple weeks ago, Todd and I had our first ultrasound of baby Burton number 2! It was so awesome! Here is a picture of the ultrasound...Todd is hoping and praying for a little boy! We'll see!

More Easter


So this year I was really excited about Easter! Anna is at the age where she understands finding things...and I really enjoyed watching her hunt for all the easter eggs! Her eyes where constantly moving to see what she could find next! Unfortunately I somehow managed to forget to take a picture of her in her dress! I know, I know...terrible mother. Well here are some pictures to enjoy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More Random

Here's a few more! Enjoy!

Some Random Winter Pictures

During our winter ice and snow storm...Anna and I had so much fun at home playing. I took lots of pics of her and in some she looked like a little model! She is such a HAM! Enjoy!

Anna's First Hair Cut

So a few months ago I finally decided to cut Anna's mullet off. It was so emotional! She did a great job...better than I did and her hair turned out really cute! Here are some pics to enjoy!