Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eli's Newborn Pics (Just a few)

One of my best friends has started a photography business and used Eli as a model. They turned out great and I can't wait to get some more! He has changed so much since all these but they are still adorable to look at. Enjoy!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Our first snow...

Not that you can tell, but she's building a castle...

Ready to go play

Poppa and Noah

Noah's Christening


Our Christmas Card Picture

Christmas Evening at Hunter and Susan's

Gamma and Anna

Cooper, Pops and Anna

And there go the clothes! I can't keep them on this child!

Christmas at Pops and Gammas

Cooper and Anna

Christmas Morning...


Santa came!

Holden, Dad, Anna and Isaac


Isaac (Evil...LOL)

Dad on Christmas Eve

Going crazy because they have to wait to open gifts!


Pipe time!

Dad and Mom on Christmas Eve...there house.

Eli's first Christmas

Christmas Eve!

Good Lord...the grandchildren are spoiled!

Eleni and Anna

Eli, Nana, Anna and Eleni

Anna, Amber and Leah

Eli...aka...The Man

Our Gingerbread house! Anna insisted on doing the bananas!