Thursday, October 20, 2011

Broken Leg

Well, on Sunday, October 2nd, I left to go over to a friends house. Set Eli and Anna in my bed, snuggled up, watching a movie... About twenty minutes later, as I'm driving down the road, I get a phone call from Todd saying he thinks Eli is hurt. He fell off the bed and won't put any weight on his right leg. Since it was way passed his bed time and there was no visible sign of a break, I figured he juts sprained it and was crying because he was overly tired. We put him to bed and hoped for a good night sleep. He woke up at 4am in pain and still not putting in pressure on his leg. Unable to walk, we dragged him to the ER and of course they did Xrays. Verdict...broken tibia. Clean break from the inside to the outside of the tibia. His first major injury was a break and he's not even two yet? I'm nervous about the future! Enjoy the pics!

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