Monday, July 21, 2008

Pool Fun

The Duvalls and the Burtons enjoyed a day at the pool at Casey's dads house in Nicholasville. We had so much fun getting the kids in the water and the privacy was great. Anna went under water for the first time thanks to Casey. Which was good because I was too affraid to do it. She did really good and seemed to like it. Todd would throw her out of the pool up in the air and she loved that! She has just learned out to sign "more" so she continuously did that over and over!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Time with Family

This past weekend we went to Momma and Poppa's house to see them and visit with Todd's aunt Susan. She is very sweet and is a replica of Momma. We had such a good time just hanging out. Anna played with Momma most of the time and loved the picture of Hannah (their dog). She also couldn't get enough of one of their baskets. It is used to hold phone books and she decided to take one out and sit in it. Why too cute!

Bath Time

So I have been waiting to take some pictures of Anna in the tub with long hair that you can play with...its been a year and I still can only make a mohawk. So thats what I did. She just loves bath time. But likes to stand most of the time and play with the shower nozel thing. Just thought you all might enjoy these. :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Celebrating Our Nations Birthday!

Fourth of July weekend was a blast! Friday we spent the day at Dr. Mullett's house for his party. Eleni came down from New York and went with us. She met a lot of new people, which is great for her and managed to make some really good contacts. Even though they day was rainy we had a great time. Hanging out and getting to know people I work with was fun. Saturday Anna stayed with my mom and dad and Todd and I went to Danville for Brianna's family's party. Amber and Steve came in from Denver and we hung out all night! I miss her so much when she's gone and I was so glad she was here to see friends and family. Brianna is due in September and looks so beautiful! I can't wait to meet baby Sienna. The night was filled with awesome fireworks and a huge wooden burning man. Can't wait for next year!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Life As A Dog

Molli and Sam...a sweet shepard/lab mix and a crazy chocolate lab. Sam is full of life and loves every minute of it. He loves to explore new things and run as much as possible. I wish we had a farm because he would be in heaven. Molli is more laid back. She just wants to sleep in the most comfortable place she can. She would be happiest living with my parents. For some reason its her favorite place to go. I guess I understand...I grew up there and loved it! Abby is the golden...she is my parents dog. She would be in heaven if someone would just pet her all day long. She is very sweet and so pretty. Excuse me...her real name is Lady Abigail of Woodfield. I think I just threw up in my mouth. Haha! She's great. I can't believe I almost forgot Sophie...our family dog who was 17 when she died. Sweetest dog in the world. God bless her!

My Boys!

Holden and Isaac! What can I say...they are awesome. Holden is 2 years old and so much fun. He is very intelligent (which I'm sure he gets from his mother), outgoing and so sweet. If you start to cry he will be right there trying to make it better. I think his first word was ball...Jessica will have to correct me if I'm wrong. Isaac is 5 months and adorable! His personality is starting to shine more and more everyday. He looks a lot like Holden but he even more like Jessica. I can't wait to see him grow up! Cooper Duvall...he is so awesome! Very intelligent and loves to talk. Which he started doing very early. Cooper and Anna have so much fun together! They are three months apart (Cooper being the oldest). And I have a feeling they are going to get in a lot of trouble together. These three boys are probably the only boys I will ever experience since my mom has cursed me with all girls. That's another story...but I guess its really more of a blessing because if I could have 10 Anna's I would!

Growing Up

In May we celebrated Anna's first birthday! She is growing up so fast! Where has the time gone? Although it was quit depressing for me, we had a blast. Anna was surrounded by family and friends, having a great time opening gifts and eating cake! Thanks to Denise!!! The cake was amazing and so good! Even though Anna threw most of it she did manage to take a few bites. One big one in particular when she put her face in it and took a huge bite. I think she learned that from her daddy!

Where It All Began

So I guess I will start from the beginning. Todd and I met when we were in highschool working at Kid's Place. Todd was a senior and I was a junior. We went to completely different schools and were very different people. I remember Todd being so funny! But neither of us would have dated the other. Time went on and I got a new job at he mall while Todd remained at Kid's Place. We both graduated and went seperate ways to college. But during a couple years at LCC I would see Todd on campus with Derrick. I never said anything to him because whenever I go up to people that I remember from way back they seem to never remember who I the fear of rejection I guess set in. I ended up getting a job at an after school program one summer and was assigned to a certain school. At orientation, Todd came in late and sat down right across from me. He was going to be working at the same place. So I was so happy to see a familiar face. He had been working there for a few years and loved it. One day before we started camp we both got called in to fill in for a few people who called in sick. I had never been to this place to work before and was so bummed that I was going to have to be there all day without knowing anybody. I walk in and low and behold...there sits Todd. I ran up to him and told him I was so glad to see someone I knew. He felt the same way and we spent the rest of the afternoon together. Our conversations came easily and I believe I can still remember what he wore that day. Camp started and we were together all day everyday. He decided one day that he was going to ask me out on a date...excuse me...tell me we were going to go have mexican food. Our date came and we didn't want the night to the rest is history. I knew that he was the one on our first date! Now we are married and have a beautiful daughter together! Life couldn't get better!